Career opportunities
Reach out to the world with Matrix!
What does Matrix bring to you?


Young, enthusiastic, comfortable.Beautiful office, good benefits, high treatment


Develop good expertise. Access and train many other knowledge.

Development opportunities

You can be anyone, be anywhere, and achieve anything you desire.
Will you become an Matrixer?

You have a vision, personal goals and a real desire to achieve them.

You always want to develop yourself, always want to improve yourself

You are a responsible person, proactive, and enthusiastic in your work, know how to take responsibility, admit mistakes and correct them.

You have the ability to learn quickly, are persistent, interact well, and want to build success with a team.

Willing to eliminate old habits and thoughts, adapt, learn new things to create breakthroughs

If the company recognizes you correctly, if you are given the opportunity, if the company is fair to you, will you stay with the company for a long time?
What is life like at Matrix?
You become what you believe

If someone asks me if I regret coming to Istar? I would say, I only regret not coming to this place sooner!

Art Designer
How do you feel about Istar right now?
Don't miss the opportunities below!